The Pain of Change and Trusting God’s Unseen Plan

Today I decided to look back at pictures of this date through the years. These memories came up:

January 2016, Brett and Naomi took engagement pictures. We were so excited to have Naomi join our lives!

January 2018, my husband, Lee, was busy building my mom’s home which is attached to the back of our house.

January 2019, it snowed. Not a big deal to many, but we RARELY get snow and it was amazing!

In 2019, Lee was still enjoying his mountain bike. He didn’t know what was just around the corner — to come in August of that year - Glioblastoma. 

By January 2020, Lee had already had one craniotomy, chemo, radiation, and was trying out “Optune” which I had to put on his head daily. 

In January 2020, we also welcomed into the world little Lachlan, our first grandchild. I can see the joy and sadness in Lee’s eyes all at the same time. 

In 2021, we celebrated Lachlan’s first birthday. Lee was in a wheelchair, but enjoyed the day.  This was January. By March 18, 2021, he had passed away.

January 2022, little Lachlan carries on Lee’s tradition of wearing a tool belt and fixing things. 

2023 - so does my son, Brett. He is building his beautiful home in Texas.

In the journey of life, change is a constant. I have to be real and tell you I’ve had to stop several times writing this post to bawl my eyes out. I strain to see the screen through my tears. Because…change comes with a unique companion – pain. The ache of leaving the familiar, the struggle of adapting to the unknown – it's a symphony of discomfort that plays in the background of our transformations. In these moments of upheaval, I find solace in the unwavering belief that God always has a plan.

Change is a relentless sculptor, shaping us into versions we might not recognize at first. The discomfort, the tears, the uncertainties – they're the chisel and hammer of divine craftsmanship. It's easy to question the purpose of our struggles, to wonder why God would allow us to endure such pain. However, it's precisely in these moments that our faith is tested and refined.

When faced with the agony of change, we can draw inspiration from the Bible's assurance that God's plan is beyond our understanding. Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages us to "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." It's a reminder that, even when the road is winding and uncertain, God is orchestrating a symphony of purpose.

Consider the story of Joseph in the Bible. Sold into slavery by his own brothers, falsely accused and imprisoned, Joseph faced unimaginable pain. Yet, in the end, God's plan unfolded, and Joseph became a powerful ruler, saving not only Egypt but also his own family from famine. Joseph's journey reflects the intricate tapestry God weaves, even through the threads of adversity.

In our moments of difficulties, let's remember that God's plan is often revealed in hindsight. The pain of change may feel unbearable, but it's paving the way for blessings we cannot yet fathom. Romans 8:28 assures us, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

Hold strong, my friends, and hold onto Jesus. 

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